
La fièvre monte à El Pao

La fièvre monte à El Pao

La fièvre monte à El Pao ("Fever Mounts at El Pao", also known in English as Republic of Sin) is a 1959 film by director Luis Buñuel. Gérard Philipe died four months after the filming. This was his last film.


On the remote Caribbean island Ojeda an agitated population kills their despotic ruler Mariano Vargas. His secretary Ramón Vázquez takes over and tries to reinstate public order. Meanwhile, Alejandro Gual, leader of a special military unit, tries to take the place of Ramón Vázquez. Knowing that Ramón Vázquez had an affair with the dictator's wife Inés, he tries to turn the widow against her lover.

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    contentLocation Caribbean
    director Luis Buñuel
    genre drama
    keywords military unit
    musicBy Paul Misraki
    producer Gregorio Walerstein Raymond Borderie
    publisher Cormoran Films Films Borderie Terra Films