
Seven Seconds

Seven Seconds

Seven Seconds is an American crime drama television series, based on the Russian film The Major written and directed by Yuri Bykov, that premiered on February 23, 2018, on Netflix. The series, which is created, executive produced, and showrun by Veena Sud, follows the people involved in investigating the death of a Black teenager and his family as they reel after the loss. On April 18, 2018, Netflix confirmed there would not be a second season, deeming it a limited series.


Peter Jablonski, a white Polish-American Narcotics Detective in Jersey City, New Jersey, accidentally hits and critically injures Black teenager Brenton Butler with his car. Jablonski is in shock, and calls his fellow police officers from the Narcotics Division to join him at the scene. Crooked officer Mike DiAngelo, who does business with drug dealers, takes charge of the matter, assumes Brenton is dead, and orders the others to perform a cover-up. Racial tensions explode in the face of injustice and the absence of quick resolution to the case.
