
Heart is a 1987 American sports drama film directed by James Lemmo (in his directorial debut), from a screenplay by Lemmo and Randy Jurgensen, who also produced the film. It stars Brad Davis, Jesse Doran, Steve Buscemi, Frank Adu, Sam Gray, Billy Costello, and Frances Fisher.


A punch-drunk boxer is set up as an easy win for an up-and-coming young boxer in this melodrama. The highlight of the film is the performance of Steve Buscemi as the oily, mob-connected fight promoter Nicky. Eddie (Brad Davis) is the addle-brained boxer Nicky hangs out to dry for quick money.

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    director James Lemmo
    editor Larry Marinelli
    genre drama
    keywords set up
    musicBy Chris Many Geoff Levin
    producer Randy Jurgensen
    productionCompany Trans Atlantic Entertainment
    publisher New World Pictures
    theme independent