
The Highest Honour

The Highest Honour is a 1982 Australian/ Japanese co-production about Operation Jaywick and Operation Rimau by Z Special Unit during World War II.


During World War II, a team of Australian soldiers from Z Special Unit, including Ivan Lyon and Robert Page, successfully lead an expedition to destroy ships in Singapore harbour, Operation Jaywick. An attempt to duplicate this success, Operation Rimau, ends in disaster, with the team either killed or captured. Those soldiers who are interrogated by the Japanese in Singapore, with Page forming a friendship with Minoru Tamiya. Eventually all the Australians are convicted of war crimes and are executed.

    More details

    contentLocation Singapore
    director Peter Maxwell
    events Pacific War
    keywords capture kill special unit war crimes world war ii
    musicBy Eric Jupp
    producer John McCallum Lee Robinson
    productionCompany Southern International Films
    publisher New World Pictures Seven Network Toho
    theme war