The Union
The Union (formerly titled Our Man from Jersey) is an upcoming American action comedy-thriller film directed by Julian Farino and written by Joe Barton and David Guggenheim from a story by Guggenheim. The film stars Mark Wahlberg, Halle Berry, Mike Colter, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Alice Lee, Jackie Earle Haley, and J. K. Simmons.
A construction worker is roped into the espionage world by his former high school girlfriend.
More details
author | David Guggenheim Joe Barton |
director | Julian Farino |
editor | Paul Rubell |
genre | action comedy thriller |
keywords | construction worker high school girl |
musicBy | Adrian Johnston |
producer | Jeff Waxman Mark Wahlberg Stephen Levinson |
productionCompany | Closest to the Hole Productions Municipal Pictures |
publisher | Netflix |
recordedAt | London |
theme | action comedy spy |