

Drylanders is a 1963 Canadian Western film directed by Don Haldane and Written by M. Charles Cohen and starring Frances Hyland and James B. Douglas. It was the National Film Board of Canada's first English-language feature film and its earliest entry outside of the documentary format.


Drylanders is set in Canada at the turn of the century. Daniel Greer (James Douglas) returns home after the Boer War to find city life not to his liking. Instead, he opts for the life of a wheat farmer. At first, his farm is prosperous, but he becomes victim to a nationwide drought. He struggles to keep his farm afloat, but dies before he could see the end of the drought. His wife (Frances Hyland) continues her husband's work on the farm.


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    contentLocation Canadian Prairies
    director Don Haldane
    editor John Kemeny Kirk Jones
    genre drama western
    keywords boer war city life end turn of the century
    musicBy Eldon Rathburn
    producer Peter Jones
    productionCompany National Film Board of Canada
    publisher Columbia Pictures
    recordedAt Saskatchewan