Abduction is a 1975 American thriller film directed by Joseph Zito, produced and written by Kent E. Carroll and based on the novel Black Abductor by Harrison James which has similarities to the Patty Hearst case which it predates. It stars Gregory Rozakis, David Pendleton and Judith-Marie Bergan and was first released in the U.S. on October 24, 1975.
The daughter of a rich property developer is kidnapped and held hostage for ransom by a group of radicals. After being brutalised and brainwashed she eventually becomes converted to their cause.
More details
author | Kent E. Carroll |
director | Joseph Zito |
editor | James Macreading |
genre | drama thriller |
keywords | held hostage kidnap |
musicBy | Al Steckler Ronald Frangipane |
producer | Kent E. Carroll |
productionCompany | Blackpool Partnership |
publisher | Venture Distributors |
theme | exploitation films à clef independent terrorism |