
The Rabbit Is Me

The Rabbit Is Me

The Rabbit Is Me is an East German dramatic film directed by Kurt Maetzig. Based on the novel by , it was filmed in 1965.


Nineteen-year-old Maria Morzeck dreams of studying Slavistics, but her hopes are shattered when her brother, Dieter, is sent to prison after being convicted of sedition against the state. She cannot enter college, and becomes a waitress. Maria meets and falls in love with Paul Deister, an older, married man who turns out to be the judge who convicted her brother. Their affair ends when Deister is exposed as hypocritical and corrupt. After Dieter's release, he learns of his sister's relationship with the judge and assaults her. Eventually, Maria distances herself from both of them, and decides to pursue her forgotten dream.

    More details

    contentLocation Berlin
    director Kurt Maetzig
    editor Helga Krause
    genre drama
    keywords married man slavistics
    musicBy Gerhard Rosenfeld
    producer Martin Sonnabend
    publisher Progress Film