
Witness is a 1985 American neo-noir crime thriller film directed by Peter Weir. The film stars Harrison Ford and Kelly McGillis, with Josef Sommer, Lukas Haas, Jan Rubeš, Danny Glover, Alexander Godunov, Patti LuPone and Viggo Mortensen (in his feature film debut). Its plot focuses on a police detective protecting an Amish woman and her son, who becomes a target after he witnesses a brutal murder in a Philadelphia railway station.


An Amish community outside Lancaster, Pennsylvania, attends the funeral of Jacob Lapp, who leaves behind his wife, Rachel, and eight-year-old son, Samuel. Rachel and Samuel travel by train to visit Rachel's sister, which takes them into Philadelphia. While at the 30th Street Station waiting for a connecting train, Samuel goes into the men's room and witnesses the murder of an undercover police officer.
