
High Chicago (also released as A Family Man) is a dramatic feature film released in 2012. Director Alfons Adetuyi and his brother, screenwriter Robert Adetuyi, used locations in their home town of Sudbury, Ontario when making the film.


Colin Salmon stars as Sam, a hard-drinking father of three, ex-Navy man, ex-miner, and soon to be ex-husband. Sam takes to gambling to bankroll his crazy plan to open a drive-in theatre in Africa. Equally desperate to support his family and keep his dream alive, we watch as Sam’s life spirals out of control in a showdown with a deadly Detroit card shark.

    More details

    director Alfons Adetuyi
    editor Lisa di Michele
    genre drama
    keywords gamble out of control
    musicBy Frank Fitzpatrick
    producer Alfons Adetuyi