
For Eyes Only

For Eyes Only /Streng geheim is an East German espionage film. It was released in 1963.


1961, West Germany. Hansen is a man who escaped from the German Democratic Republic and now works for an American company called Concordia. In fact, Hansen is an agent of the Stasi, and Concordia is the headquarters of the Military Intelligence Division in Germany, from which countless saboteurs and spies have been sent over the border to wreak havoc in East Germany. The United States plans to invade the country, after staging an internal uprising as a provocation to intervene. The plans are held by Collins, Hansen's superior. The latter intends to steal them, but has to evade the suspicions of security officer Rocker, who knows there is a leak. Hansen is assisted by his chauffeur, František, who has uncovered his covert identity but intends to help him, in order to return to his homeland Czechoslovakia. The two manage to steal the safe with the invasion plans and cross the border to the East, pursued by the police and army. The plan is publicized and the invasion has to be canceled.