Spider-Man is a 2002 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man. Directed by Sam Raimi from a screenplay by David Koepp, it is the first installment in Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy. The film stars Tobey Maguire, Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Cliff Robertson, and Rosemary Harris. The story follows a timid teenager named Peter Parker who gains superhuman abilities after being bitten by a genetically engineered spider. He adopts the masked persona "Spider-Man" and begins to fight crime in New York City, facing the malevolent Green Goblin in the process.
On a high school field trip, teenager Peter Parker visits a Columbia University genetics laboratory with his friend, Harry Osborn, and his love interest, Mary Jane Watson. There, Peter is bitten by a genetically engineered spider, and falls ill upon returning home. Meanwhile, at the chemical corporation Oscorp, Harry's father and company CEO Norman Osborn seeks to secure a military contract by testing a performance-enhancing chemical on himself. The chemical causes him to go insane and kill one of his scientists.
- Andray Johnson
- Bill Nunn
- Bruce Campbell
- Cliff Robertson
- Elizabeth Banks
- Evan Arnold
- Gerry Becker
- J. K. Simmons
- Jack Betts
- James Franco
- Jayce Bartok
- Jesse Heiman
- Joe Manganiello
- Kirsten Dunst
- Larry Joshua
- Lucy Lawless
- Lucy Liu
- Macy Gray
- Michael Papajohn
- Octavia Spencer
- Peter Appel
- Randy Savage
- Robert Kerman
- Ron Perkins
- Rosemary Harris
- Sara Ramirez
- Scott L. Schwartz
- Scott Spiegel
- Stan Lee
- Stanley Anderson
- Ted Raimi
- Tim de Zarn
- Tobey Maguire
- Willem Dafoe