
The Dog of Flanders

is a 1997 Japanese anime film. It was based on the Japanese television series aired on Nippon Television from 10 October 1992 to 27 March 1993. Both the television series and this film are inspired by the 1872 novel A Dog of Flanders by Ouida.


Based on the Flemish novel by Oui´da, this movie represents the bond between a boy and his ever so faithful dog living in 19th century Belgium.


    More details

    director Yoshio Kuroda
    editor Shinichi Natori
    keywords 19th century crush pass
    musicBy Tarō Iwashiro
    producer Juichi Motohashi Junzo Nakajima Kazuyoshi Okuyama
    productionCompany Nippon Animation
    publisher Shochiku
    theme anime japanese