Amer is a 2009 experimental psychological horror drama film written and directed by Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzani and starring Cassandra Forêt, Charlotte Eugène Guibeaud and Marie Bos. The film is a giallo in three parts. The plot of the film follows the sexual development of Ana who lives on the French Riviera. The film focuses on her oppressive teenage years leading to her womanhood. The film premiered at the 2009 Lund International Fantastic Film Festival in Sweden. It received generally favourable reviews and was nominated for the Magritte Award for Best Film.
Three important moments, all sensual, define Ana's life. Her mundane quests oscillate between reality and chromatic fantasy... becoming more and more oppressive. Black roped hands prevented her from screaming. The wind lifted her dress and caressed her thighs. Razors brush against her skin: where will this chaotic, carnivorous journey leave her ?
More details
author | Bruno Forzani Hélène Cattet |
contentLocation | France |
director | Bruno Forzani Hélène Cattet |
editor | Bernard Beets |
genre | drama horror thriller |
keywords | scream |
musicBy | Bruno Nicolai |
producer | Eve Commenge François Cognard |
productionCompany | Anonymes Films Tobina Film |
publisher | Coopérative Nouveau Cinéma Zootrope Films |
theme | giallo psychological horror |