The Mouse Trap
The Mouse Trap is a 2024 Canadian comedy horror film directed by Jamie Bailey and written by Simon Phillips. It is a horror reimagining of Walt Disney's 1928 animated short film Steamboat Willie, the first appearance of Mickey Mouse. While The Walt Disney Company retains exclusive rights to the depictions of the character from their own franchise, Mickey's Steamboat Willie version went into the public domain on January 1, 2024, the same day the film was announced.
When a group of friends sneak into an amusement arcade after closing, they end up being trapped with a masked killer dressed as Mickey Mouse, who decides to play a game of his own which they must survive.
More details
author | Simon Phillips |
director | Jamie Bailey |
editor | Jamie Bailey |
genre | comedy horror |
keywords | group of friends masked killer mickey mouse trap |
musicBy | Darren Morze |
producer | Jamie Bailey Simon Phillips |
productionCompany | Bailey Phillips Productions Into Frame Productions |
publisher | Gravitas Ventures |
theme | animated short comedy horror exploitation independent slasher |