The Order
The Order, also known as The Sin Eater, is a 2003 mystery thriller film written and directed by Brian Helgeland, starring Heath Ledger, Benno Fürmann, Mark Addy, and Shannyn Sossamon. Helgeland directed Ledger, Addy and Sossamon in the 2001 film A Knight's Tale. It was poorly received by critics and was a box office failure.
The film's premise is that there is another way to heaven than adherence to the practices of the Roman Catholic Church. A secular Sin Eater can remove all taint of sin, no matter how foul, from the soul just before death. The purified soul can then ascend into heaven. The Roman Catholic Church, according to the film, considers this heresy.
More details
author | Brian Helgeland |
contentLocation | Rome |
director | Brian Helgeland |
editor | Kevin Stitt |
genre | horror mystery thriller |
keywords | aramaic aramaic language bury cardinal carol catholic church church demon disillusion eat excommunicate excommunication exorcise exorcism fight heaven heresy how to hunt injured masked man mental hospital move pope riddle roman catholic church sacred ground sin sin eater st. peter's basilica vatican vatican city want |
musicBy | David Torn |
producer | Brian Helgeland Craig Baumgarten |
productionCompany | Baumgarten Merims Films |
publisher | 20th Century Fox |
theme | mystery thriller psychological thriller |