
Apocalypse, CA

Apocalypse, CA

Apocalypse, CA is a 2011 American comedy film written and directed by Chad Peter. It stars Nick Mathis, Erin Bodine, Anne McDaniels, Alexander Cardinale, Elizabeth Sandy, and Sarah Smick. Apocalypse, CA is an indie film featuring visual effects from artists Ryan Wieber and Teague Chrystie in this feature film directorial debut by Chad Peter.


Apocalypse, CA is the story of John Parsons and his ill-fated friends as they prepare for certain death at the hands of a massive asteroid, sex-inducing drugs, a three-hundred foot giant, and a horde of other unfortunate problems.


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    contentLocation California Palm Springs
    director Chad Peter
    editor Chad Peter Kway Lars
    genre adventure comedy fantasy
    keywords asteroid childhood crush earth end spring
    musicBy Avi Ghosh
    producer Chad Peter Eric Branco Tierney Bray
    productionCompany SDNP Films LLC
    publisher SDNP Films LLC
    theme fantasy-comedy