Gunner is a 2024 American action thriller film written by Gary Scott Thompson and directed by Dimitri Logothetis. It stars Luke Hemsworth, Mykel Shannon Jenkins, Yulia Klass, Grant Feely, Connor DeWolfe, and Morgan Freeman. It was released on August 16, 2024.
Lee Gunner tries to save his sons, Luke and Travis, from a dangerous drug gang.
More details
author | Gary Scott Thompson |
director | Dimitri Logothetis |
editor | Christopher Bell |
genre | action thriller |
keywords | drug gang |
musicBy | Mocean Worker |
producer | Dimitri Logothetis Joel Shapiro |
productionCompany | 120dB Films Acme Rocket Fuel magiCity Studios |
publisher | Highland Film Group |
recordedAt | Bessemer Birmingham |