Growing Pains
Growing Pains is an American television sitcom created by Neal Marlens that aired on ABC from September 24, 1985, to April 25, 1992. The series follows the misadventures of the Seaver family, including psychiatrist and father Jason, journalist and mother Maggie, and their children Mike, Carol, Ben, and Chrissy. The show ran for 7 seasons, airing 166 episodes.
The show centers on the Seaver family of Huntington, a town on Long Island, New York. Dr. Jason Seaver (Alan Thicke), a psychiatrist, works from home because his wife, Maggie (Joanna Kerns), has gone back to work as a reporter.
More details
contentLocation | Long Island |
genre | adventure |
keywords | 1969 miracle mets 1969 new york mets season adopt hunt jerry koosman next door neighbor tom seaver |
nomination | Kids' Choice Award for Favorite TV Show Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics |
publisher | American Broadcasting Company |