

Uninvited is a 1999 Italian thriller film directed by Carlo Gabriel Nero, and starring Vanessa Redgrave and Franco Nero. It premiered at the Mar del Plata Film Festival in Argentina on 26 November 1999 before its release in Italy on 19 May 2000.


Tony has lusted after Patricia his whole life, ever since high school. While his yearning never ceased, he was only ever to appreciate her from a distance. Tony becomes a victim of his own heart when he is named chief suspect to the murder of Patricia, her husband and her children. As Tony is incarcerated, his lawyer Barolo struggles to make a case of defence. Meanwhile, Tony struggles to come to terms with Patricia's death.

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    director Carlo Gabriel Nero
    editor Paolo Benassi
    genre thriller
    musicBy Carlo Siliotto
    publisher Vine International Pictures
    theme high school