Cabaret is a 2019 Indian romantic drama thriller dance film directed by Kaustav Narayan Niyogi, produced by Pooja Bhatt and Bhushan Kumar under the banner of Fisheye Network private limited. Principal photography of the film began around 9 June 2015. Originally scheduled for a 2016 release, alleged copyright violations led to delays before its eventual release on 9 January 2019. It was released on the ZEE5 on 9 January 2019.
Roza, a small-town cabaret dancer, embarks on an intriguing journey as she intends to enter the world of entertainment and achieve success.
More details
author | Pooja Bhatt |
director | Kaustav Narayan Niyogi |
editor | Pooja Bhatt |
genre | drama thriller |
keywords | cabaret dancer |
musicBy | Kaustav Narayan Niyogi |
producer | Business Standard Rahul Mittra |
productionCompany | T-Series |
publisher | ZEE5 |
theme | biographical dance direct-to-video |