
All Grown Up!

All Grown Up!

All Grown Up! is an American animated television series developed by Kate Boutilier, Eryk Casemiro, and Monica Piper for Nickelodeon. It serves as a sequel to Rugrats, and explores the daily lives of protagonist Tommy Pickles, his little brother Dil and his childhood friends, now tweens/adolescents. The concept for the series was based on the Rugrats episode "All Growed Up", which served as the original series' 10th anniversary special and proved successful with audiences.


The series is set in the early 2000s, ten years after the events of Rugrats of the early 1990s, Tommy, Dil, Chuckie, the twins Phil and Lil, Kimi, Angelica, and Susie are now tweens/teens. Episodes often involve the cast dealing with common issues of preteens and teenagers.


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    contentLocation California
    genre drama
    keywords rugrats
    musicBy Bob Mothersbaugh
    publisher Nickelodeon
    theme urban