The Life of David Gale
The Life of David Gale is a 2003 crime thriller film directed and co-produced by Alan Parker, written by Charles Randolph, co-produced by Nicolas Cage, and starring Kevin Spacey as the title character, a college professor and longtime activist against capital punishment who is sentenced to death for killing a fellow capital punishment opponent; Kate Winslet, Laura Linney, and Gabriel Mann co-star. The film, an international co-production between the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom, was Parker's final film before his retirement, and subsequent death in 2020.
David Gale is a former professor on death row in Texas. With only a few days until his execution, his lawyer negotiates a half-million dollar fee to tell his story to Bitsey Bloom, a journalist from a major news network. She has a reputation of keeping secrets and protecting her sources. He tells her his story revealed through a series of flashbacks.
More details
author | Charles Randolph |
contentLocation | Texas |
director | Alan Parker |
editor | Gerry Hambling |
events | capital punishment |
genre | crime drama thriller |
keywords | act arrest claim crime scene death penalty death row expel force frame graduate student graduation party huntsville unit innocent man leukemia murder plastic bag rape accusation rape and murder record rough sex suffer university of texas at austin |
musicBy | Alex Parker Jake Parker |
producer | Alan Parker Nicolas Cage |
productionCompany | Dirty Hands Intermedia Films Saturn Films |
publisher | Universal Pictures |
recordedAt | Barcelona |
theme | activists rape |