Charlie's Angels
Charlie's Angels is a 2000 American action comedy film directed by McG in his feature film directorial debut, and written by Ryan Rowe, Ed Solomon, and John August. It is the first installment in the Charlie's Angels film series, a continuation of the television series of the same name created by Ivan Goff and Ben Roberts, which is also a continuation of the series story. Unlike the original series, which had dramatic elements, the film features more comical elements.
Natalie Cook, Dylan Sanders, and Alex Munday are the "Angels", three talented, tough, attractive women who work as private investigators together for unseen millionaire Charlie Townsend. Charlie uses speakers in his offices to communicate with the Angels, and his assistant Bosley works with them directly when needed.
- Andrew Wilson
- Bill Murray
- Branden Williams
- Cameron Diaz
- Crispin Glover
- Drew Barrymore
- Isaac C. Singleton Jr.
- John Forsythe
- Karen McDougal
- Kelly Lynch
- Kevin Grevioux
- LL Cool J
- Lucy Liu
- Luke Wilson
- Mark Ryan
- Matt LeBlanc
- Melissa McCarthy
- Michael Papajohn
- Ned Bellamy
- Sam Rockwell
- Sean Whalen
- Tim Curry
- Tom Green
More details
author | Ed Solomon John August |
contentLocation | Los Angeles |
director | McG |
editor | Peter Teschner Wayne Wahrman |
events | aviation |
genre | action comedy drama |
keywords | abandon beach house bosley build business partner capture cell phone double agent dub gag john bosley kidnap kill laptop computer murder on the beach private investigator security system talk thin man tie up vietnam war voice recognition well done |
musicBy | Edward Shearmur |
producer | Drew Barrymore Leonard Goldberg Nancy Juvonen |
productionCompany | Columbia Pictures Flower Films Leonard Goldberg Productions Tall Trees Productions |
publisher | Sony Pictures Releasing |
recordedAt | Los Angeles |
theme | action comedy buddy comedy female buddy sequel |