The Moth Diaries
The Moth Diaries is a 2011 gothic horror film written and directed by Mary Harron, based on the 2002 novel of the same name by Rachel Klein. The film stars Lily Cole, Sarah Gadon, Sarah Bolger, Judy Parfitt, and Scott Speedman. The plot follows Rebecca, a teenage girl who suspects that Ernessa, the new student at an all-girls boarding school is a vampire. An Irish-Canadian venture, the film was co-produced by Samson Films and Mediamax.
At the Brangwyn School, an exclusive boarding school for girls, 16-year-old Rebecca Cantor writes her most intimate thoughts in a diary. Two years earlier, Rebecca's father, a poet, took his own life by slitting his wrists. Her mother transferred Rebecca to the school, hoping to help her daughter escape the memory of her father's death. With the help of her best friend and roommate, Lucy Blake, Rebecca soon recovers.
More details
author | Mary Harron |
director | Mary Harron |
editor | Andrew Marcus |
events | suicide |
genre | horror mystery |
keywords | best friend boarding school build carmilla cry cut disturb english teacher expel moth murder nursery rhyme one night razor blade read romantic literature scream sleep taunt the juniper tree vanish |
musicBy | Lesley Barber |
producer | David Collins Karine Martin |
publisher | Lionsgate |
theme | teen horror vampire |