Terrifier is a 2016 American slasher film written and directed by Damien Leone. The film stars Jenna Kanell, Samantha Scaffidi, David Howard Thornton, and Catherine Corcoran. The plot centers on partygoer Tara Heyes (Kanell) and her sister Victoria (Scaffidi), who become targets of the enigmatic serial killer only known as Art the Clown (Thornton) on Halloween night.
A man is watching a small TV where Monica Brown, a talk show host, interviews a severely disfigured woman, the sole survivor of a massacre that took place the previous Halloween. Brown mentions that the body of the killer, known only as "Art the Clown", disappeared from the morgue, suggesting he is still alive. However, the disfigured woman insists she saw him die. The man, revealed to be Art the Clown, furiously kicks the TV and fills a garbage bag with bladed objects. After the interview, Monica talks to her partner on the phone and makes disparaging remarks about the interviewee because of her appearance. The disfigured woman, who'd been eavesdropping, attacks Monica and gouges out her eyes, laughing maniacally.
More details
author | Damien Leone |
director | Damien Leone |
editor | Damien Leone |
genre | horror |
keywords | 9-1-1 apartment building beg body bag build cat lady death by sawing eavesdrop halloween halloween night halloween party kill laugh medical examiner mutilate open pest control pickup truck restaurant owner saws dawn in half sole survivor talk show wait |
musicBy | Paul Wiley |
producer | Damien Leone George Steuber Phil Falcone |
productionCompany | Epic Pictures Group |
publisher | Dread Central |
theme | monster movie slasher splatter |