Strayed is a 2003 French drama film directed by André Téchiné, starring Emmanuelle Béart and Gaspard Ulliel. The plot follows a widowed mother, who escaping occupied Paris with her two young children during World War II, finds shelter with an itinerant teenager at an abandoned rural house. The film is an adaptation of Gilles Perrault's novel The Boy With Grey Eyes (Le Garçon aux yeux gris).
In June 1940, as German troops are advancing on Paris, Odile, an attractive widow in her late thirties, joins the exodus from the city with her two children: 13-year-old Philippe and 7-year-old Cathy. Like many others, they are heading south in a long line of refugees escaping Paris by whatever means of transport possible. After fifty kilometers, German planes bomb the choked road filled with civilians. Odile's car is destroyed and in the chaos, she runs from the roadside fields into the nearby woods, looking for shelter. They are helped by a shaven-headed wiry teenager, Yvan, who recommends that they continue off-road.
More details
author | André Téchiné |
contentLocation | France |
director | André Téchiné |
editor | Martine Giordano |
genre | drama |
keywords | abandoned house anal sex clothe dead soldier fight hang happen how to kill married couple mettray morning older brother open orphan phone call school teacher steal suicide by hanging young man |
musicBy | Philippe Sarde |
nomination | César Award for Best Cinematography |
producer | Adam Betteridge |
publisher | Mars Distribution |
recordedAt | Paris |