Borderlands is a 2024 American science fiction action comedy film co-written and directed by Eli Roth, based on the video game series developed by Gearbox Software. It stars Cate Blanchett as Lillith, an outlaw who forms an alliance with a team of misfits to find the missing daughter of the most powerful man in the universe. The ensemble cast also features Kevin Hart, Jack Black, Edgar Ramirez, Ariana Greenblatt, Florian Munteanu, Gina Gershon, and Jamie Lee Curtis.
On the planet of Pandora, Roland, a mercenary soldier apparently gone rogue, kidnaps teenager Tiny Tina with the help of Krieg, a "Psycho" who was institutionalized in the same facility.
More details
author | Craig Mazin |
contentLocation | Pandora |
director | Eli Roth |
editor | Evan Henke Julian Clarke |
genre | action comedy live-action science fiction western |
keywords | advanced attack betray bounty hunter end estrange first time lost civilization private army rescue wait |
musicBy | Nathan Barr Steve Jablonsky |
producer | Ari Arad Avi Arad Erik Feig |
productionCompany | 2K Arad Productions Gearbox Studios Picturestart |
publisher | Lionsgate Films Summit Entertainment |
recordedAt | Hungary |
theme | action comedy extraterrestrial life science fiction action space western |