
Police Story 2

Police Story 2 is a 2007 Indian Kannada-language action film written and directed by Thriller Manju, and is the sequel of 1996 film Police Story. It stars Sai Kumar, who reprises his role as Agni IPS. The film was simultaneously dubbed into Telugu under the same name, with Saikumar's brother P. Ravi Shankar, dubbing for Shobaraj in the Telugu version


Agni and Vijay are the loyal cops, who faces stiff opposition from Godmother Kempamma in their objective of a crime-free city. Kempamma, who can make or break in Judiciary and politics faces severe jolt when her son is gunned down by Agni and Vijay for murder of call center girl Swetha. To bring bad image to police department, Kempamma unites two underworld dons on a promise that they get prime positions.
