
Kazaam is a 1996 American musical fantasy comedy film directed by Paul Michael Glaser, written by Christian Ford and Roger Soffer based on a story by Glaser, and starring Shaquille O'Neal as the title character, a 5,000-year-old genie who appears from a magic boombox to grant a 14-year-old boy three wishes.


In the story, a wrecking ball demolishes an abandoned building, causing a magic lamp inside to fall onto a boombox. The genie inside, named Kazaam, decides to reside in the boombox. Meanwhile, a 14-year-old boy named Max Conner goes to school and faces various challenges. He deals with bullies who retaliate against him for a failed robbery attempt. Max seeks refuge in the abandoned building and accidentally releases Kazaam from the boombox. Kazaam becomes Max's genie and demonstrates his powers before disappearing.