
Hitpig! is a 2024 animated comedy film directed by Cinzia Angelini and David Feiss. The film comes from an original story by Berkeley Breathed, rooted from his 2008 children's book Pete & Pickles. Breathed also wrote the screenplay alongside Dave Rosenbaum and Tyler Werrin. Produced by Aniventure and animated by Cinesite, the film features the voices of Jason Sudeikis, Lilly Singh, Rainn Wilson, Anitta, RuPaul, Hannah Gadsby and Charlie Adler.


Hitpig is an anthropomorphic pig who was raised by bounty hunter Big Bertha to retrieve lost pets to their owners. When Bertha gets eaten by a crocodile, Hitpig is left traumatized from the event but continues Bertha's work taking on high-profile runaway animals for cash rewards.