Kenan & Kel
Kenan & Kel is an American sitcom created by Kim Bass that originally aired on Nickelodeon from August 17, 1996, to January 14, 2001. Set in Chicago, the series follows mischievous Kenan Rockmore (Kenan Thompson) and his happy-go-lucky best friend Kel Kimble (Kel Mitchell), who get involved with zany hijinks on a number of misadventures. The show was one of three spin-offs from All That, in which Thompson and Mitchell had co-starred for several years.
Set in Chicago, Illinois, Kenan & Kel follows Kenan Rockmore and Kel Kimble, a pair of high school students who go on various misadventures, which usually occur as a result of Kenan devising a scheme to get rich quick, or avoid trouble with his elders. These schemes are often foiled as a result of Kel's aloof nature and clumsiness.
More details
contentLocation | Chicago |
genre | adventure comedy |
keywords | breaking the fourth wall chicago illinois choke fish fourth wall frazzle get rich quick high school student illinois open red curtain running gags studio audience |
musicBy | Coolio |
publisher | Nickelodeon |