The Last Unicorn
The Last Unicorn is a 1982 American animated fantasy film directed and produced by Arthur Rankin, Jr. and Jules Bass, from a script by Peter S. Beagle adapted from his 1968 novel of the same title. The plot concerns a unicorn who, upon learning that she is the last of her species on Earth, goes on a quest to find out what has happened to others of her kind. It was produced by Rankin/Bass Productions for ITC Entertainment and animated by Japanese studio Topcraft.
A female unicorn learns from two hunters and a butterfly that she is the last of her kind since a malevolent entity called the Red Bull has herded unicorns to the ends of the earth. The Unicorn journeys to find them.
More details
author | Peter S. Beagle |
director | Arthur Rankin Jr. Jules Bass |
editor | Tomoko Kida |
events | human condition mortality |
genre | fantasy |
keywords | adopted son bull butterfly capture cattle celaeno drive elemental end enhance fire elemental harpy human form kill love magician red bull regret robin hood scullery trap travel true identity unicorn win witch witchcraft wrong |
musicBy | Jimmy Webb |
productionCompany | Rankin/Bass Productions Topcraft |
publisher | Jensen Farley Pictures |
theme | animated children's independent |