
Leela is a 2002 drama film directed by Somnath Sen. The movie stars Dimple Kapadia and Deepti Naval. The film's story is loosely based on Summer of '42. The film premiered at Reel World Film Festivalm, Toronto, in 2005. It also was featured in the 2002 edition of the IAAC Film Festival, conducted by the Indian diaspora, which works to showcase the Indian films to the West.


Leela is a professor from Bombay. Married to a popular poet, her life has always been prefixed with the title 'Nashaad's wife'. She wins a chance to be sent as a visiting professor to California, where she rediscovers herself, the woman she is, beyond the duties of a wife that she had always devoted her life to. Kris comes as a bright sunshine in her life, who makes her realise her own desires, the desires of the body. Is it going to be an happily ever after fairy tale? Or another Bollywood melodrama?

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    director Somnath Sen
    genre drama
    keywords fairy tale married
    musicBy Shantanu Moitra
    producer Anjalika Mathur Kavita Munjal
    publisher Lemon Tree Films