Bakrid is a 2019 Indian Tamil language drama film written and directed by Jagadeesan Subu. The film stars Vikranth and a camel called Sarah. The film is the first Indian and Tamil film in Kollywood history to portray a camel in the pivotal role. The film was bankrolled by M10 Productions and the music composed by D. Imman. This film received positive reviews.
Rathinam (Vikranth), a fledgling farmer in Tamil Nadu, accidentally comes into possession of a camel calf. Charmed by the animal, Rathinam decides to keep him as a pet. With time, Rathinam realises that his humble home, despite all the affection showered, might not be the best place for a camel. To ensure the animal lives in his natural setting, he sets out on an unusual road trip to Rajasthan.
More details
director | Jagadeesan subu |
editor | Ruben |
genre | drama |
keywords | rajasthan road trip tamil nadu |
musicBy | D. Imman |
producer | MS Murugaraj |
productionCompany | M10 Productions |