Justice League: Doom
Justice League: Doom is a 2012 American animated superhero film directed by Lauren Montgomery and written by Dwayne McDuffie. A standalone sequel to Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths (2010), it was loosely based on "JLA: Tower of Babel", a 2000 comic book storyline that ran in the DC Comics series JLA. It is the 13th film of the DC Universe Animated Original Movies.
Vandal Savage plans to start a new civilization by exterminating two thirds of the population and hires Mirror Master to hack into the Batcomputer and steal contingency plans devised by Batman to incapacitate his League teammates should they go rogue. Savage assembles Cheetah, Star Sapphire, Metallo, Bane, Mirror Master, and Ma'alefa'ak and offers them money to simultaneously attack the League members using the plans, which he has altered to be lethal. Together, the villains form the Legion of Doom.