Lindenstraße (literally "Linden Street") was a long-running German television drama series, broadcast by Das Erste. The first episode aired on 8 December 1985 and since then new episodes were broadcast weekly until 2020. Its last timeslot on Das Erste was Sundays at 18:50. The events of the Sunday episode usually take place on the Thursday before the show. This is a result of the original plan having been to show each episode on a Thursday night. Before the start of the series the programme's timeslot was switched to Sunday evening, but Thursday remained the day on which the events are normally shown as taking place, because the original concept of dramatizing the events of daily life as experienced by a group of characters on an ordinary weekday has continued unchanged. Exceptions are the so-called holiday episodes where the events take place on such special occasions as Christmas and Easter; also on important election days (especially general elections to the German Bundestag).
- Amorn Surangkanjanajai
- Andrea Spatzek
- Anja Antonowicz
- Anna Nowak
- Anna-Sophia Claus
- Anna Teluren
- Annemarie Wendl
- Annette Kreft
- Antonio Paradiso
- Arnfried Lerche
- Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr
- Bernd Tauber
- Bill Mockridge
- Birgitta Weizenegger
- Brigitte Annessy
- Carlos Werner
- Ceren Dal
- Christian Kahrmann
- Christian Rudolf
- Christine Stienemeier
- Christoph Wortberg
- Clara Dolny
- Claudia Pielmann
- Claus Vinçon
- Clelia Sarto
- Cosima Viola
- Cynthia Cosima
- Dagmar Hessenland
- Daniel Hajdu
- Daniela Bette
- David Wilms
- Dietrich Siegl
- Dirk Simplizius Triebel
- Dominique Kusche
- Domna Adamopoulou
- Erkan Gündüz
- Florian Köster
- Franz Braunshausen
- Franz Rampelmann
- Fritz Bachschmidt
- Georg Uecker
- Gérard Hérold
- Giada Gray
- Giselle Vesco
- Greta Short
- Guido Gagliardi
- Gunnar Solka
- Günter Barton
- Hanna Burgwitz
- Hannes Kaetner
- Harry Rowohlt
- Hasan Ali Mete
- Heinz Marecek
- Heinz W. Krückeberg
- Herbert Steinmetz
- Hermes Hodolides
- Holger Klein
- Horst D. Scheel
- Hüseyin Ekici
- Ina Bleiweiß
- Ines Lutz
- Inga Abel
- Irene Fischer
- Isabell Brenner
- Jacqueline Svilarov
- Jennifer Steffens
- Jeremy Mockridge
- Jo Bolling
- Joachim Hermann Luger
- Johanna Bassermann
- Johannes Scheit
- Joosten Mindrup
- Joris Gratwohl
- Judith Radetzky
- Julia Beerhold
- Julia Stark
- Karolin Dubberstein
- Klaus Nierhoff
- Knut Hinz
- Kostas Papanastasiou
- Lilian Büchner
- Liz Baffoe
- Ludwig Haas
- Manfred Schwabe
- Manja Schaar
- Manon Straché
- Marcel Kommissin
- Marcus Off
- Margret van Munster
- Maria Wachowiak
- Marianne Rogée
- Marie-Luise Marjan
- Marita Ragonese
- Markus Anton
- Marlene Riphahn
- Martin Armknecht
- Martin Rickelt
- Martin Walde
- Michael Baral
- Michael Dillschnitter
- Michael Laricchia
- Michael Marwitz
- Michael Neupert
- Michael Schmitter
- Monika Woytowicz
- Moritz A. Sachs
- Moritz Hein
- Moritz Zielke
- Nadine Spruß
- Natascha Bonnermann
- Nika von Altenstadt
- Nina Vorbrodt
- Nora Marie Horstkotte
- Oliver Moser
- Philipp Brammer
- Philipp Neubauer
- Philipp Sonntag
- Raimund Gensel
- Rebecca Siemoneit-Barum
- Reinhold Lampe
- Ria Schindler
- Robert Zimmerling
- Roman Haubner
- Ronald Mkwanazi
- Ryszard Wojtyllo
- Sabine Pfeifer
- Sara Turchetto
- Sarah Masuch
- Selma Baldursson
- Serena Fiorello
- Serkan Temel
- Sigo Lorfeo
- Silke Wülfing
- Sontje Peplow
- Stefanie Mühle
- Steffen Gräbner
- Stephen A. Sikder
- Susanna Capurso
- Susanne Evers
- Susanne Gannott
- Sybille Waury
- Tanja Frehse
- Tanja Schmitz
- Tatjana Blacher
- Thelma Buabeng
- Thomas Frey
- Thomas Huber
- Thorsten Nindel
- Til Schweiger
- Tilli Breidenbach
- Tilmar Kuhn
- Tim Knauer
- Toni Snétberger
- Ulrike C. Tscharre
- Ulrike Scheel
- Urs Villiger
- Ursula Ludwig
- Ute Mora
- Valentin Schreyer
- Willi Herren
- Wolfgang Grönebaum
- Wookie Mayer
More details
genre | drama |
musicBy | Jürgen Knieper |
publisher | Das Erste |