
I due toreri

I due toreri is a 1965 Italian-Spanish comedy film directed by Giorgio Simonelli starring the comic duo Franco and Ciccio.


In Sicily Franco and Ciccio are empowered by a local mafia man to guard for a wide range of salad. In reality however this is not simple salad vegetables but marijuana; the two bungling fools and friends do not realize it at first. Indeed, seeing that with this delicious salad could make us profits, steal it and are discovered by the police. The policemen, discovering the marijuana, would stop Franco and Ciccio which however manage admirably to escape and to embark for Spain. There are exchanged for two famous bullfighters and sent to compete with ferocious bulls in bullfights.

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    contentLocation Spain
    director Giorgio Simonelli
    editor Franco Fraticelli
    genre comedy
    keywords discover sicily
    musicBy Gianni Ferrio
    publisher Variety Distribution
    theme buddy comedy