
Wolfs is a 2024 American action comedy film written and directed by Jon Watts. The film stars George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Amy Ryan, Austin Abrams, and Poorna Jagannathan. Its plot follows two professional fixers who are forced to work together on a job despite their preference to operate as lone wolves.


Margaret, a Manhattan District Attorney, panics after a young man in her hotel room, who she met at the hotel bar, ends up dead. She calls a number given to her for just such an emergency and secures the services of an unnamed professional fixer. He arrives to dispose of the kid who fell through a glass drinks cart while jumping on the bed. They are interrupted by another unnamed fixer sent by the hotel's mysterious owner, Pam, who saw everything via hidden cameras. To protect the hotel's reputation and Margaret's career, the women urge the two men to work together, much to their chagrin.