
Yogi Bear is a 2010 American live-action/computer-animated family comedy film directed by Eric Brevig and written by Brad Copeland, Joshua Sternin and Jeffrey Ventimilia. Based on the animated television series The Yogi Bear Show and the character of the same name created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, the film stars Anna Faris, Tom Cavanagh, T.J. Miller, Nate Corddry and Andrew Daly as well as the voices of Dan Aykroyd and Justin Timberlake. The film centers on Yogi Bear and his sidekick Boo-Boo Bear as they try to save their home Jellystone Park from being logged. Production on the film began in October 2008.


Yogi and Boo-Boo Bear are two brown bears who steal picnic baskets from visitors in Jellystone Park while park rangers Smith and Jones attempt to hinder them. Meanwhile, Mayor R. Brown realizes that Franklin City is facing bankruptcy due to profligate spending on his part. Brown plots with his Chief of Staff to raise money for the town budget and his upcoming governmental campaign by shutting down Jellystone Park and opening the land to logging.