River is a 2011 Japanese drama film based on the 2008 Akihabara massacre incident. The film is written and directed by Ryūichi Hiroki. The film stars actress Misako Renbutsu, who will play the role of a person who lost her love interest in the attacks.
Hikari's boyfriend is one of those killed in the Akihabara massacre incident. Suffering from the shock of her loss and unable to accept this reality, she cuts herself off from the outside world. She eventually manages to muster enough courage to visit Akihabara, the scene of the incident. There, she encounters many people who are still coming to terms with the aftermath of the incident and are still suffering from the aftereffects.
More details
author | Nami Kikkawa Ryūichi Hiroki |
contentLocation | Tokyo |
director | Ryūichi Hiroki |
genre | drama |
keywords | kill suffer |
theme | japanese |