

Solo is a 2017 Indian experimental anthology film co-written, co-produced and directed by Bejoy Nambiar with Dulquer Salmaan in a quadruple role as Shekhar, Trilok, Siva and Rudra. Shot simultaneously in Malayalam and Tamil, production began during November 2016. Solo tells the story of four people, each story revolving around four elements: Earth, Fire, Wind and Water, each with the facets of Lord Shiva. The film was released on 5 October 2017 in both Tamil and Malayalam worldwide and received positive reviews from critics and audiences. The film was dubbed in Telugu as Athade, which released on 22 June 2018. It's also dubbed into Hindi as Tatva.


The film consists of four independent stories, all of which star Dulquer Salmaan as the protagonist: Shekhar, Trilok, Siva and Rudra.