The Three Friends & Jerry
The Three Friends and Jerry (lang-sv) is a Swedish/German/British animated television series. The series was created by Magnus Carlsson and produced by Happy Life and TMO-Loonland Film GmbH in association with Nickelodeon UK and Nickelodeon Germany (the latter's original incarnation shut down after this show premiered, so it instead aired on Fox Kids in the country).
Jerry is the new kid in town who does not fit with any of his classmates. This series shows his best attempts to try to be liked by the 'Three Friends' - Thomas, Eric, and their leader Frank - who do not want him to be part of their group but still let him hang out with them as long as he helps them with their problems. They also fall in love for a group of the girls in town, who refuse to date them and refer to them as Ponks. Apart from school, the group have to contend with parents, bullies and their own conflicts.
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genre | comedy |
publisher | Constantin Medien AG HIT Entertainment |