
Savage Vengeance

Savage Vengeance

Savage Vengeance is a 1993 American rape and revenge film written and directed by Donald Farmer. It stars Camille Keaton (under the alias "Vickie Kehl") as Jennifer, a reference to Keaton's earlier role as Jennifer Hills in I Spit on Your Grave. For this reason the film is often considered an unofficial sequel to that film. The film was also published with the titles I Will Dance on Your Grave, I Will Dance on Your Grave: Savage Vengeance, and I Spit on Your Grave 2: Savage Vengeance.


A woman named Jennifer goes to a park where she is raped and left for dead by four men. Five years later, Jennifer, now in law school, is exposed by her law professor when he reveals to the class her past. She was tried for murder, but pleaded not guilty. Angry, she decides to take a little vacation with her friend, Sam.