
Casi ángeles

Casi ángeles

Casi Ángeles (English: Almost Angels) is an Argentinian teen telenovela by Cris Morena which was aired by Telefe. Its first broadcast was on March 21, 2007 and it ended on November 29, 2010, with a total of 579 episodes divided over four seasons. It is considered one of the most successful Telenovelas in Argentinian television history. A star-studded soap-opera, Casi Ángeles stars Nicolás Vázquez, Emilia Attias, Juan Pedro Lanzani, Mariana Espósito, Gastón Dalmau, Nicolás Riera, María Eugenia Suárez and Mariano Torre. And as if that was not enough, Rocío Igarzábal, Agustín Sierra, Candela Vetrano, Pablo Martínez, María Del Cerro, Stéfano de Gregorio, Jimena Barón, Victorio D´Alessandro and Julia Calvo all co-star this show. Furthermore, it includes the antagonistic participations of Alejo García Pintos and Graciela Pal and the beauitiful Ángela Ragno. Also due to the success of the show, the pop band Teen Angels emerged, composed of Juan Pedro Lanzani, Mariana Espósito, Gastón Dalmau, Nicolás Riera, María Eugenia Suárez. The show can now be watched on YouTube.


Casi Ángeles is the story of a group of homeless kids and teenagers who are exploited and forced to steal for Bartolomé Bedoya Agüero (Alejo García Pintos) and Justina Merarda García (Julia Calvo). But everything changes when Cielo Mágico (Emilia Attias), acrobat and dancer, and Dr. Nicolás Bauer (Nicolás Vázquez), an archaeologist, enter the kids' lives. Cielo, through her music and her love and kindness, and Nicolás, with his fatherly nature and his dreams, will give the children the chance to believe in joy again. They both keep important secrets that, when discovered, will change everyone's lives forever. This is a story packed with magic, love, music, songs, dances and competitions. But there is a mystery, the mystery, and it involves everyone. It has to do with the secrets protected by the hidden portal in the clock inside the Inchaustis' mansion and the special connection that everyone has with it. This portal has chosen each and every one with the utmost care, and everyone thus has a mission. Discovering this mission will be the meaning of this action-packed adventure. And yes, there will be setbacks, suffering, misunderstanding, separations, uncertainty, despair and disappointments but the strong bond they have with each other wil be enough for them to achieve their ultimate mission: to guarantee a better world. Thanks to Hope (Esperanza Bauer) and adult Thiago, their mission is fulfilled and they return home.